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Socata MS-893E Rallye - F-BSDF

Socata MS-893E Rallye (Aéroclub des Deux-Sèvres)
About the aircraft :
Aircraft : Morane-Saulnier/Socata MS-880 Rallye (MS-881/885/890/893) More on Morane-Saulnier/Socata MS-880 Rallye (MS-881/885/890/893) Registration : F-BSDF
Manufacturers : Morane-Saulnier More on Morane-Saulnier, Socata More on Socata, EADS More on EADS Owner : Aéroclub des Deux-Sèvres
Variant : Socata MS-893E Rallye Serial number : 11478

Location :
Niort Marais Poitevin (LFBN/NIT) More on Niort Marais Poitevin

About the picture :
Photographer : Jules VAN CAENEGHEM More on Jules VAN CAENEGHEM Taken on : 06-01-2024
Situation : Taxiing Point of view : From the apron
Exposure : 1/400 sec Focal : 250 mm
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