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Pictaero's Blog >> Best Photography Award 2023: December selection

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Best Photography Award 2023: December selection

Published on 03-18-2024 by totoro in Send a comment | Permanent link | 0 comment(s)

Good evening everyone,
Here is the final selection for 2023.

Happy voting !

Picture n°1 of Claude Couturier
Airbus Helicopters H.160B - F-WWOB

Picture n°2 of Yann Gabrielloni
Dassault Rafale B - 170

Picture n°3 of Francis Deichelbohrer
Airbus A300B4-203F - 4L-EFC

Picture n°4 of Jerome LUDRY
Boeing 737 Max 9 - HP-9927CMP

Picture n°5 of Corentin ALTHERR
Dassault Falcon 900EX - N106EX

Picture n°6 of Max GUENAT
Gulfstream G650ER - 9H-649FX

Picture n°7 of Didier VITTOZ
Airbus A321-251NX - HZ-ASAD

Picture n°8 of Este. -
Dassault Falcon 900 LX - LX-FMA

Picture n°9 of Thomas DUFRANNE
Boeing 737-8K5 - F-HUYV

Picture n°10 of Bastian LUDI
Airbus A321-231 - EP-IGD

David D.

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