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Airports >> Airport Istres Le Tube (France, LFMI) :

Airport Istres Le Tube (France)

Country : France IATA Code : IFR ICAO Code : LFMI
Military airport Altitude : 82 feet (25 metres)
Latitude : 43° 31' 21'' N Longitude : 4° 55' 27'' E
Website : http://www.defense.gouv.fr/air/decouver ... 125_istres

View the pictures taken at this airport (Istres Le Tube)

These data are provided for information only: Do not use them in flight conditions!

Airport's runways :

Runway number Length (metres) Length (feet) Width (metres) Width (feet) Surface
15/33 3750 metres 12303 feet 53 metres 174 feet Asphalt
15R/33L 1000 metres 3281 feet 20 metres 66 feet Asphalt

Radio frequencies in use at this airport :

Name Frequency Type
Sol 121.850 MHz Ground
Tour 123.600 MHz Tower
Istres Approche 131.000 MHz Approach
Istres Approche 142.450 MHz Approach
Istres Approche 359.550 MHz Approach
Istres Approche 362.300 MHz Approach
Tour 377.600 MHz Tower
Sol 397.050 MHz Ground

Airlines having a hub in that airport :

To add or modify a hub, you must amend the corresponding airline's page.