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Korea Aerospace T-50B Golden Eagle - 10-0058

Korea Aerospace T-50B Golden Eagle  (South Korea - Air Force)
Note moyenne : 10.00/10 1 commentaire en français (0 en anglais)

Membre Commentaire

Signalez un abusPosté le 10-05-2013 17:49:21

Cristal clear and very nice shot Martin.
By the way, your photo suggests the "Black Eagle" movie. It's a korean film with a TopGun touch!!! Well, I know... but I recommend it to you; especially its first part which is about a pilot of their acrobatic team. At the end, it should remind you their real Golden Eagles... and maybe you'll say it wasn't so bad.wink

SuperD a attribué la note de 10/10 à la photo.
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