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Airbus A300B4-608ST Super Transporter - F-GSTA

Airbus A300B4-608ST Super Transporter (Airbus Transport International)
About the aircraft :
Aircraft : Airbus A300-600ST Beluga More on Airbus A300-600ST Beluga Registration : F-GSTA
Manufacturer : Airbus More on Airbus Owner : Airbus Transport International
Variant : Airbus A300B4-608ST Super Transporter Serial number : 655

Location :
Toulouse Blagnac (LFBO/TLS) More on Toulouse Blagnac

About the picture :
Photographer : Jerome LUDRY More on Jerome LUDRY Taken on : 07-20-2009
Situation : Landing Point of view : By the runway
Exposure : 1/640 sec Focal : 191 mm
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