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Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (A-75/N1 Stearman) NS2-3 - N74189

Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (A-75/N1 Stearman) NS2-3 (AeroSuperBatics - Team Guinot)
About the aircraft :
Aircraft : Boeing PT-13/17/27/N2S Stearman Kaydet More on Boeing PT-13/17/27/N2S Stearman Kaydet Registration : N74189
Manufacturer : Boeing More on Boeing Owner : AeroSuperBatics - Team Guinot
Variant : Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (A-75/N1 Stearman) NS2-3 Serial number : 75717

Location :
In flight (Switzerland)

About the picture :
Photographer : Bruno WIDMER More on Bruno WIDMER Taken on : 07-09-2008
Situation : Flight display Point of view : From the apron
Exposure : 1/250 sec Focal : 370 mm
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