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SAAB S100D Argus 340(AEW) - 100006

SAAB S100D Argus 340(AEW) (Sweden - Air Force)
About the aircraft :
Aircraft : SAAB S100D Argus 340(AEW) More on SAAB S100D Argus 340(AEW) Registration : 100006
Manufacturer : Saab More on Saab Owner : Sweden - Air Force
Variant : SAAB S100D Argus 340(AEW) Serial number : 340B-431 Code : 006

Location :
Farnborough (EGLF/FAB) More on Farnborough

About the picture :
Photographer : Antonio ESPOSITO More on Antonio ESPOSITO Taken on : 07-23-2000
Situation : Static display Point of view : From the apron

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