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Airports >> Airport La Rochelle Ile de Ré (France, LFBH) :

Airport La Rochelle Ile de Ré (France)

Country : France IATA Code : LRH ICAO Code : LFBH
Civilian airport Altitude : 74 feet (23 metres)
Latitude : 46° 10' 45'' N Longitude : 1° 11' 43'' W

View the pictures taken at this airport (La Rochelle Ile de Ré)

These data are provided for information only: Do not use them in flight conditions!

Airport's runways :

Runway number Length (metres) Length (feet) Width (metres) Width (feet) Surface
09/27 2255 metres 7398 feet 45 metres 148 feet Asphalt

Radio frequencies in use at this airport :

Name Frequency Type
Tour 118.000 MHz Tower
La Rochelle Approche 124.200 MHz Approach
ATIS 126.880 MHz Atis

Airlines having a hub in that airport :

To add or modify a hub, you must amend the corresponding airline's page.