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Airports >> Airport Sydney-Kingsford Smith (Australia, YSSY) :

Airport Sydney-Kingsford Smith (Australia)

Country : Australia IATA Code : SYD ICAO Code : YSSY
Civilian airport Altitude : 21 feet (6 metres)
Latitude : 33° 56' 46'' S Longitude : 151° 10' 38'' E
Website : http://www.sydneyairport.com.au/

View the pictures taken at this airport (Sydney-Kingsford Smith)

These data are provided for information only: Do not use them in flight conditions!

Airport's runways :

Runway number Length (metres) Length (feet) Width (metres) Width (feet) Surface
07/25 2530 metres 8301 feet 45 metres 148 feet Asphalt
16L/34R 2438 metres 7999 feet 45 metres 147 feet Asphalt
16R/34L 3962 metres 12999 feet 45 metres 148 feet Asphalt

Airlines having a hub in that airport :

To add or modify a hub, you must amend the corresponding airline's page.

Airline Type
Eastern Australia Airlines Primary
Qantas Primary
Virgin Blue Airlines Secondary